Go Fit


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The GoFit Stability Balls are designed to stretch, tone and tighten your entire body. The exercise challenge from working out on an unstable surface engages your core stabilizer muscles that are not normally challenged when on a stable surface. Each kit includes the ball, foot pump, printed workout sampler and ball plugs. ¥ Inflatable 75cm Stability Ball ¥ Workout Sampler ¥ Ball Plugs & Air Pump Master Pack: 4

The GoFit Stability Ball is a fun, yet challenging way to stretch, tone and tightens your body. What makes the GoFit Stability Ball so challenging? Unlike training on a stable, flat surface, the ball is a round, unstable surface, so you not only train the primary muscle groups but also the smaller stabilizing muscles as well. The stabilizing muscles are small, yet very important muscle groups primarily used for balance, alignment and posture. The ball total body workout is very efficient, allowing you to see the results you want in a much quicker period of time.

Ball Height Recommendations: 

  • 55cm (red) - recommended for persons 5' to 5'5" 
  • 65cm (white) - recommended for persons 5'5" to 6'
  • 75cm (blue) - recommended for persons 6' and over 

The ball is made of 100% PVC

Master Pack=4

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